Friday, June 11, 2010

After Death

Damn that Macbeth! Macbeth was the one who had earned the most of my trust, and he betrayed me! I trusted him enough to sleep within his castle walls, this was a big mistake! As I was sleeping, a dagger was plunged into my chest! A dagger which belonged to my body guard, however it was not him who was wielding the blade, no, it was Macbeth! Macbeth! The man, who I had just named thane of Cawdor for his honourable deeds for Scotland, killed me! I can’t believe that he did this, and the only reason I can think of that would drive him to murder me would be that he wants to be king of Scotland. But the only way for him to become would be if my two sons were dead. I pray to god that they flee Scotland at once, so Macbeth’s hunger for power does not lead to their death. However their absence from Scotland will only make it easier for Macbeth to become king, and if he does become king, Scotland will fall into chaos. Macbeth is not fit to be king as he clearly only cares for himself and not for others, and this will lead him to be a tyrant. Oh how I fear for the people of Scotland having to live under the rule of Macbeth, however if he is king, he will constantly be in the spotlight, and the people of Scotland will see who he really is, and they will over throw him and have him executed, and it will be the execution of Macbeth that will allow me to rest peacefully in my grave, because I know that he will be burning in hell! That is the only punishment that is befitting of Macbeth’s crime. However, for now it pleases me finding a fan page on FaceBook, Which I have created a profile on ‘FaceBook Profile’, called 'I hate Macbeth' and that there are blogs such as this 'Morgan's I hate Macbeth' expressing peoples hatred for Macbeth.
Music Element: Devil in a Midnight Mass, Billy Talent

Thursday, June 10, 2010

At Inverness.

I am currently visiting noble Macbeth's Castle at Inverness, and what a beautiful castle it is. Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's wife, is such a lovely hostess. I dont have a daughter although she seems as though my daughter. It feels safe and out of harm's way here. Macbeth, oh what a noble young gentlemen. I can depend on him with my life. He's been such a brave and loyal server of our society and has served me with honour and dignity and the country against evil. How can I forget the day he ripped open the merciless Macdonalwald from the nave to the chops in the battle? He is indeed an extremely strong and skillful warrior. I owe him so much for it and was so eager to reward him somehow. If he deserved less I would have been able to repay and reward him more fittingly. After discovering the disloyal traitor, Cawdor, was secretly in league with both the King of Norway and the rebel Macdonalwald, I decided to give Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor. He deserves it and has the potential to be it. I hope to give him more as the years come. Well, that is all for tonight, oh yes you can add me on my fan page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. I am off to bed and I look forward for tomorrows day. I wonder what's in stock for me.

Music Element: I Made It-Kevin Rudolf ft. Birdman, Lil Wayne, Jay Sean

Before the Battle

Scotland is currently preparing for a battle with Norway, accompanied by our former Thane of Cawdor. Macdonwald, how I am beginning to loath that name, the name of the traitorous Thane of Cawdor. If there were one thing I had to despise, it would have to be a traitor, they are deceiving and manipulative, yet cunning all at once. I don't enjoy the fighting, but once all other choices are ruled out what can one do? I'd much rather find a peaceful solution, but sometimes, there's just no other way. Though some people get quite upset due to their family potentially being killed, it's a hard decision.

Enough of that though, I'm sure we will win this battle. All of my troops are perfectly aware of how to care for their swords, as I made sure they had all looked at Sword Care. My two generals, Macbeth and Banquo, are very brave and noble, they will lead the assault by far. I trust them undoubtedly. People question my quick judging nature, but they do not seem to understand that you can see a persons intention by looking at them, it is written clear on their face, why would someone hide who they are? That is why I believe everything must be as it seems, there is no point in hiding things.

On the thought of Macbeth, he has been doing excellent work lately, I believe he's in deserve of a promotion from Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor seems to be open. Maybe if he does well after this battle I'll consider it, I'm sure he and Lady Macbeth would be quite happy. On yet another pleasant note I have created an account for myself on Wikipedia, I like that website because it has an answer for nearly anything, and I am quite curious. I enjoy keeping up with the latest news, due to that curiosity, and to do so I often check The Scotsman website as well.

Music Element: Guns and Roses, Civil War