Friday, June 11, 2010

After Death

Damn that Macbeth! Macbeth was the one who had earned the most of my trust, and he betrayed me! I trusted him enough to sleep within his castle walls, this was a big mistake! As I was sleeping, a dagger was plunged into my chest! A dagger which belonged to my body guard, however it was not him who was wielding the blade, no, it was Macbeth! Macbeth! The man, who I had just named thane of Cawdor for his honourable deeds for Scotland, killed me! I can’t believe that he did this, and the only reason I can think of that would drive him to murder me would be that he wants to be king of Scotland. But the only way for him to become would be if my two sons were dead. I pray to god that they flee Scotland at once, so Macbeth’s hunger for power does not lead to their death. However their absence from Scotland will only make it easier for Macbeth to become king, and if he does become king, Scotland will fall into chaos. Macbeth is not fit to be king as he clearly only cares for himself and not for others, and this will lead him to be a tyrant. Oh how I fear for the people of Scotland having to live under the rule of Macbeth, however if he is king, he will constantly be in the spotlight, and the people of Scotland will see who he really is, and they will over throw him and have him executed, and it will be the execution of Macbeth that will allow me to rest peacefully in my grave, because I know that he will be burning in hell! That is the only punishment that is befitting of Macbeth’s crime. However, for now it pleases me finding a fan page on FaceBook, Which I have created a profile on ‘FaceBook Profile’, called 'I hate Macbeth' and that there are blogs such as this 'Morgan's I hate Macbeth' expressing peoples hatred for Macbeth.
Music Element: Devil in a Midnight Mass, Billy Talent

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